Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Sunshine

I just want to take a moment to tell everyone how proud I am of my son. Bradley is such a wonderful and precious little boy. Bradley has worked very hard to get to where he is in his life right now. He has accomplished so much this past year. Many thank's to the people in Bradley's life, who have worked very hard to make his life a more successful one.

"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments."

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Group Picture

We took this group picture on easter. The kid's had just finished the easter egg hunt when we all gathered together to take a group picture. Unfornately, some of our family member's were not able to be there. Bradley was not in this picture because he was in bed sleeping with a fever (poor little guy).

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Santa Barbara Zoo

We went to the Santa Barbara Zoo yesterday and had a great time. It was Britney's first time ever to the zoo, she had so much fun and can't wait to go back. Bradley also had a great time looking at all the animal's and just hanging out with our group of people that we went with.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Autism Awareness Day

Today April 2, is the first ever World Autism Awareness Day, established by the United Nations. It is one part of alerting the world how autism is an international issue. Bradley's teacher Julie and some of her student's wore their blue "Helmer's Hidden Treasure" t-shirts that we all wore on the Autism Walk last year to raise awareness in autism. This is a picture of Bradley's teacher and his classmate, and friend Noah. We are so thankful and grateful for Bradley's amazing teacher. Unlike me, I did not choose this path, but Bradley's teacher Julie choose to work with these amazing and special kids. She is the kind of person who is making the world a better place because she is important in the many lives of Autistic children.