Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I am thankful for my wonderful family.

All of the cousin's together.

A group picture of all of us on Thanksgiving.

My parent's carving the turkey.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Special Mom's with Special Kid's

Having our daily support group meeting before our kids get out of school.

Starbuck's is another place we all meet often.

Palm Springs girl's trip.

Wine Tasting

Just us girl's.

Watching our kid's at their last soccer game.
We are our kid's biggest fan's.

Fall Boutique

We are the mom's who have become very close friend's after our boy's were diagnosed with autism. Our boy's have been going to school together since they were 3 years old, and all of us mom's have a unique strong bond together. We keep each other spirit's up with all of life's trial's that we deal with everyday.

In our spare time to relax and relieve stress you can usually find us sipping on a glass of wine making jewelry of some sort or monica knitting away making handmade scarf's. This was a night to show off and showcase all of our hard work with so many of our friend's and family to support us.

The Crafty Diva's of Autism

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Never A Dull Moment

Having a child with Autism has it's ups and downs. Instead of getting mad I try to laugh and take picture's of the different things that occupy Bradley's time when I'm not looking.

Desitin anyone???

Busted!!! He just got caught eating a marker.

He's probably thinking "why are you taking my picture."

Stop taking my picture mom.

What??? Do you like what you see???

Britney Turns 5

On Saturday we had a big party at our home with lot's of friend's and family to celebrate Britney's 5th Birthday.

The Birthday Girl.

Britney with her two friend's Jayden and Luke.

Britney with cousin Jade.

Singing Happy Birthday.

Hitting the pinata.

Yep the sign say's it all "Princess Britney"

She love's the princess blanket her granny made for her.

Daddy helped her read all her cards.

Daddy's little girl, princess, or as she like's to be called honey.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Special Moment

And here we all are watching our kid's good friend Kyra accept first place for her speech she wrote on "How different but yet the same" kid's with autism are. We were all so very proud of her. Can you tell?

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Britney at a Halloween party with some of her friends in the neighborhood.

Britney (Super Girl), Gavin (Vampire), Jayden (Chucky), and Brandon in the back with the scary mask on.

Kendell (Queen of Hearts), Britney (Super Girl), Bradley (Little Beckham Soccer Player), and Hevan (Wonder Women) getting ready to trick or treat.

Some one had a duck swimming in the back of their truck. The kid's were completely amused by this.

Bradley trick or treating. He had a great time going to all the houses.

Lombardi Ranch

Every year we go to Lombardi Ranch to get our pumpkins. But this year I have been here 3 times already. The kid's love coming up here and have a really good time.

Me and my kids

Britney and Bradley

Britney had to have this pumpkin.

Bradley wondering why mom's making him pet this.

Britney loved petting all the animals.

Britney inside the big pumpkin.