Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cheer Leader, Dancer, Gymnists

Every day our little Britney practices doing her splits, cartwheels, and makes up dances. I think she is a little Cheer Leader, Dancer, or Gymnist in the making.

Time With Family

Britney and Papa Rick

Britney was making silly faces and Papa laughing.

Cousin Josh and Britney

Bradley and Josh. My kid's adore their older cousin Josh. He is so good with them.

Uncle Scotty hanging Britney upside down. These two are constantly teases each other.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bradley at 3 years old

Before I knew what "stimming" was Bradley use to carry as many VHS movie holders as he could to stim on. As you can see in this picture he also had to sleep with them too.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It Feel's Like Summer

The temperature was so hot last weekend that we spent all of our time at my mom's pool. It's only April and yet it feel's like July. What happened to April Showers?

Kendell and Britney jumping in the pool.

Me and my kid's cooling off in the spa.

Bradley playing in the waterfall.

Nana Get's A Tattoo

So this is my mom's tattoo that she got on her right ankle. It's the "Autism Awareness Ribbon" with a little cherub angel holding on to the ribbon. It's very cute. Bradley is my mom's little angel and she wanted a tattoo that show's awareness in Autism.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Me and Jason at a wedding last Saturday. We had so much fun. What a great way to reunite with family at a wedding.

Giving my hubby some love...

My sister-in-law Lisa and me.

Taking a picture with the "Bride" Nicole.

Hevan and I at the wedding.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Eggs & The Easter Bunny

Bradley and Britney coloring Easter egg's.

Dad want's to color egg's too...

Bradley is amazed at the different color's that the egg's turn.

Jason, Bradley, and Britney coloring egg's the day before Easter.

Britney showing mom how pretty her egg is.

Britney and daddy making drawing's on their egg's and then coloring them. They look so involved and intense.

Bradley giving daddy a kiss on the lip's which is rare, he usually will give you his forehead to kiss.

Britney giving her daddy a kiss. She is a Daddy's Girl...

Britney, Kendell, The Easter Bunny, and Bradley

Monday, April 6, 2009

My kid's are the sparkle in my eyes and the pride in my heart.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fun, Family, Friday Night

It's alway's a good time when family come's over. The adult's got to visit with each other, the kid's played, we ate, and the mom's shared a couple bottle's of wine. What a great way to start the weekend...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Carousel Ranch

Carousel Ranch is a great riding therapy for kid's with disability's. Unfornately because of the economy right now, Carousel Ranch has placed many demands on the parent's of the kids's who ride in order to keep there doors open. I'm going to try my best to help out in every way that I can because it would be very sad to see such a great program have to shut down. Bradley love's riding up at Carousel Ranch along with many of his friend's.

World Autism Awareness Day

Today April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day, but for those of us who live with Autism, every day is Autism Awareness Day...