Monday, May 25, 2009


So the other day I found my straws all poured out on the counter and immediately thought Bradley had done this. So like always, I clean up the mess and look for the plastic container to put my straws back in and cant seem to find it.

But then, I see Noah drinking out of an unusual cup and realize it's the straw container I was looking for.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Britney & Ashley

Britney and I went to go visit Ashley and Kerin the other day. What an active, cute, and funny high maintnance baby she is. She is crawling and on the move all over the place. Britney and I enjoy our time visiting.

Ashley has one of the cutest little girl's nursery.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

My mom is the BEST. She is the one person who is there for me and my family all the time.

My mom with her grandkids.

Three generations...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bradleys New Hair Cut

Long hair or short hair, it really doesn't matter.
He is such a cute little stud muffin...

A Baby Shower

Some of the mom's in Bradleys class threw Miss Julie a Baby Shower on Saturday. Julie has been our kids teacher for the past 3 years and we couldn't be more happy for her as she gets ready for her first baby. Julie is such a special teacher and friend to all of us and we are going to miss her as she will not be our kids teacher next year year.

Miss Julie striking a cute pregnancy pose.

In case you didn't know It's A Boy!!!

The cake was beautiful.

Julie and Me

A group picture with some of the mom's.

Another group picture with some of the aides and the staff at Helmer's.

Our Farewell picture...
What a great day we all had.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Beautiful Day

Enjoying the Sunny warm weather and spending time with Britney. She is such a funny little girl and a joy to be around.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pool Time

With the temperature rising we have been spending lot's of time near a pool. My kids just love the water.

Britney giving her brother a ride.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


"Friendship is what gets you through the bad times and helps you enjoy the good times."