Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hard Time's Again...

I think that it is important for all the people who read my blog to know that our life can be really hard, sad, and heart breaking at time's.

I know that I alway's post the best picture's of my kid's because I love more than anything to see them happy. What I don't post to often are the sad photo's and the hard time's. Well for some reason, summer's are really hard on Bradley, which make's it hard on all of us. The crying, screaming, pinching, and now head banging make it difficult to do thing's and go place's with him.

We will get through this rough spot but for now my little man is suffering and in so much pain. I know that this is very hard for Bradley because he is very aware of the fact that he can not speak. I can see that he want's to tell us thing's so badly and when he can't communicate his want's and needs we get the severe melt down's of rage, anger, and destruction. I feel so helpless and useless as his mother sometime's. I can not fix this and I wish I could. All I can do is be there for him and hope that someday thing's will be better...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hurricane Harbor

At least once a week my friends and I all meet up at Hurricane Harbor to keep the kid's busy during the hot summer and to stay cool.

Kenneth and Bradley are both happy to be riding the Tram that will take us to the entrance of Hurricane Harbor. I love those smile's on the boy's.

Kenneth and Bradley interacting with each other. Kind of a rare moment.

Gio and Bradley waiting inside at the park.

Bradley and his Grandpa playing in the water and getting wet.

Of course we bring my niece Kendell with us every time so Britney has someone to play with.

Grandpa and Bradley going back for more.

Britney just love's little Joshua (Gio's little brother)

Bradley eating his lunch and using Grandpa as a pillow to lean on.

Kenneth eating his lunch and looking at the scenery.

My dad had the day off from work and joined in on the fun.

Bradley swimming in the Lazy River with Annette.

Monica with all the kid's on the tube while Bradley swim's with Annette.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Britney & Ashley

Today was so much fun as Britney and I went to visit my friend Kerin and her baby Ashley. Britney just love's little baby's, especially girl baby's. Poor little Ashley had every bow and head band she owned in her hair in the short time that we were there. As you can see from the picture's Ashley has a different bow in each picture. But we had fun playing and visiting.

Britney, Kerin, and Ashley


She looked so cute with her hair in curl's. I had to take a picture before she dove in the pool. I don't know why we even bother curling her hair because she swims almost daily. In fact, she swims so much that I have a hard time keeping her hair blonde because the chlorine want's to turn her hair green. Oh well...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Fun

With the temperature reaching triple digit's here in the SCV, I think it's time to get some kind of relief and head down to the beach. Summer school is over for Britney and Bradley is finishing up his last week. I can't wait so we can do more beach trip's.

My little "Beach Babe".

Bradley checking out the ocean from a different view.

Bradley just can't get enough of the water.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lake Trip

Faith, Jade, and Bradley

Faith and Jade tubing

Bradley watching the girl's tube

Cute little Wesley just got done eating a piece of red licorous.

Say Cheese...
Your another year older as we celebrate your 36th Birthday.

Britney sliding on the "Slip N' Slide"

The Girl's
Katelyn, Britney, Faith, and Hevan

Jason playing with Wesley


I just love this picture of Hevan, Britney, and Jade

Bradley was happy as can be in the pool with the hose.
My kid should have been a fish with the way he love's water so much.

4th of July

We spent the 4th up at Kevin and Suzie's house with some family.

Sunset at my house

Brandy, Faith, Brody, and Jade anxious to do fireworks.

Britney and Katelyn doing sparkler's.