Saturday, October 31, 2009


All of us carving pumpkins.

Mommy being goofy and tasting the pumpkin. Britney think's it's gross...

Daddy let Bradley draw on his pumpkin and then Britney carved out the design that Brad had drew. After all, it was his pumpkin and we wanted it to be something he did.

Bradley sticking his hand in the pumpkin picking out the seeds.

Britney helping Bradley get all the inside of the pumpkin out.

The "Pirate" and the "Lady Bug"

What a cute little Lady Bug she is...

Kendell and Britney
Cute little BUGS...

Kendell the BEE...

Our neighbor and Britney's cute little friend Jayden.

Getting ready to go Treating...Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Baby "Chance"

Today was the day we had a little lunch in at my house with Bradley's former teacher Julie from the past 3 years to meet her new little baby boy "Chance". He was just so sweet, cuddly, and simply adorable. I just love little babies they are so cute and so much fun, but don't get any ideas about me wanting more kid's cause I am done...
Although, I wouldn't mind being an Aunt again...

-------------------------- Julie and Chance ---------------------------------

He is just so cute and sweet...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Beach Fun

My kid's have been off school this past week so I have been taking them lot's of places to keep them busy. Yesterday we went to the beach to run around and play in the sand.

Bradley look's so cute with his hood on.

He love's to watch the wave's.

Britney and Kendell running down the coast.

She love's to run on the beach.

Bradley love's to run from the wave's.

Kendell and Britney

She love's to pose.

My mom came to the beach with us too. She love's spending time with her grandkids.

My little blondie.

Me and my boy.

Me and Britney playing with Bradley (running from the wave's)

Even I was running in the sand. Yippeee.....

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lombardi Ranch

Every year I take the kid's to our local pumpkin patch "Lombardi Ranch" and we pick out pumpkins, ride on the wagon train, and take lot's of picture's. It's a fun place for the kid's to run around.

Kendell, Bradley, and Britney holding their little pumpkins.

I had to get a picture of my two kiddo's together.

Kendell and Britney climbing on the big hay stack.

Bradley and Noah stimming on their hands on top of the haystack. They were having fun.

I can't believe I actually got Bradley to stick his head through that hole to take his picture.

Julie sat with the boy's on the wagon ride.

I sat with the girl's on the wagon ride.

Bradley and Julie (He just love's her)

Mommy and Britney.
I tried to get Bradley in the picture but he was having a major meltdown at that moment.

Kendell holding a BIG squash. Their is just something very wrong about that vegatable.

Julie and Noah

The girl's helping Julie with her pumpkin's.

Annette and Kenneth joined us there.

The girl's with Kenneth.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bradley's 9th Birthday

This year for Bradley's birthday we kept it small and simple since he has been having so many melt downs and not enjoying big crowds.

Singing Happy Birthday to Bradley and him hiding. He is so shy.

Bradley taking a peak at his cake.

After the singing stopped he wanted to taste his cake.

Bradley's friend Gio came over to play with him.

The boy's had so much fun wrestling.

It was so nice to see the boy's playing together and having fun.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Sunshine

I can hardly believe that you will be turning 9 in just 3 more day's. We have been through alot and it's your beautiful smile that helps me get through our darkest day's. Keep on smiling my shinning star. You are my SON that brighten's my day...

These are some of my favorite picture's of Bradley before his autism.