Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

At The Park

Bradley & Moe

Bradley feeding his favorite horse Moe.

Britney feeding the minature horse's.

Bradley and Britney love the little horse's Chocolate and Max.

Bradley saying hello to Moe.

You can feel the love that Bradley has for Moe. He is such a sweet horse.

Bradley and Noah riding together.

Noah ride's Moe too up at the ranch.

Bradley rode Annabelle today so he and Noah could ride at the same time.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


We had a great Christmas this year. The kid's were surprised and got everything they wanted and I got a new camera that I have wanted for a while. This year we got rain for Christmas so the kid's couldn't play outside. Not like last Christmas where the kid's were swimming at my mom's on Christmas Day. We spent the day eating, playing with the Wii, and visiting with family.

Bradley was so excited to see his giant size pop-up tent.

Britney got a new Toyota Princess Land Cruiser.

This year Britney is into anything thing that is High School Musical, Hannah Montana, and Barbie's.

Bradley would rather play in the rain then open present's.

Britney and Kendell at Nana and Papa's house on Christmas morning.

Britney love's all the princess Barbie's.

It's all about High School Musical 3 for Kendell.

First time Bradley opened all his gift's on Christmas.

My dad with the sweatshirt we got for him.

My mom with the frame we got her.

My sister Chrissy and David.

Britney and her daddy. He is wearing the sweatshirt she gave him on Christmas.

Me and my hubby.
Our Christmas group picture.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was at our house this year with all of Jason's family to celebrate our Hopkin's Christmas.

Britney with Rusty and Dexter in their Christmas outfit's.

Britney can't wait for Christmas to begin

Bradley with Granny Stacey and Papa Rick.

Hevan, Josh, and Britney getting ready to open gift's.

Britney and Uncle Michael.

She's not camera shy at all.

Hevan, the dog's, Aunt Lisa, Josh, and Britney

Uncle Michael and Uncle Scott helping Bradley open one of his gift's.

I'm so excited, I just opened a Fossil Watch from my sister-in-law Mattie who was not able to be with us. I love my new watch.

Jason being silly.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Our 3rd Annual Mom's X-mas Party

All of us mom's having our annual get together wearing our scraves that Monica hand knitted for us. We had such a great morning together talking, telling story's, eating, and drinking.
Merry Christmas to all my dear friend's who stand beside me on our journey with Autism.
From left to right:
Julie, Me, Monica, Dena, Aileen, Annette

Me and Monica

Me and the hostess Julie with her silly reindeer ear's that she wore all morning, toasting with Ma Mosa's.

Julie was so excited to get her scraf.

Annette was excited too.

Me opening my gift from Dena that was an empty box. She wrapped the wrong box, but it's supposed to be the "White House Christmas Tree" ornament.

Julie telling us the now famous underwear story at Victoria Secret's.

All of us cracking up at the "cheese" story. I will never be able to look at that cheese roll the same again.

Little Joshua was so good. I miss when Britney was his age having to tag along with all of us at all of our coffee stop's.