Sunday, May 25, 2008


What I Was Doing 20 Years Ago (May 1988):
Wow, 20 years ago I was only 12 years old. I lived at home with my mom and dad. I was getting ready for my 6th grade graduation in June.

What I Was Doing 15 Years Ago (May 1993):
Ok, now I was getting ready to graduate High School at 17 year's old. One month after graduation I started working at TV Fanfare as a data entry clerk.

What I Was Doing 10 Years Ago (May 1998):
Jason and I were living together in an apartment in Newhall. I was still working at TV Fanfare and didn't know that I would soon be engaged to Jason in July of 1998.

What I Was Doing 5 Years Ago (May 2003):
By this time Bradley had already been diagnosed with Autism and I was pregnant with Britney. For the first 41/2 month's of my pregnancy I had morning sickness really bad. Bradley had started therapy in the home and also at a place called Community Therapy. I had also started at this time to remove all gluten and caesin from Bradley's diet along with providing him a huge supplment diet.

What I Was Doing 1 Year Ago (May 2007):
One year ago we were at my mom's house bar-b-queing with friends and family for memorial day.

What I Was Doing Yesterday (May 2008):
It was my turn to host the Hopkin's family day. We spent the day with Jason's Dad and stepmom along with his sister Lisa and her family. We played card game's and ate BBQ chicken.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Baby Is Not A Baby Anymore

I miss this age. She is growing up so fast. Where does the time go???

Julie's Birthday

We started our morning at starbuck's enjoying a cup of coffee before we headed over to kohl's for a little shopping. We had a 15 minute shopping spree before we had to rush to our nail appointment. Here we are getting our toe's done.

This is a picture in the nail forum and we were trying to figure out if this is a man or woman. Possibly both, a He/She???
What do you think?

The finished product. Our toe's are SO beautiful now. I Love It!!!

Next we head over to sushi where we had lunch. They took our picture to hang on there wall of fame.

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Julie Shushi Style.
Another great day hanging out with the "Autism Diva's"

Missing Dog

So this is the picture that I posted around the neighborhood yesterday (I didn't actually put the flyer's up, the neighbor kid's and Britney put them up) but does that part really matter, and in fact this picture isn't even Dexter it's Rusty my other dog but you get the picture. That fact is that Dexter the dog was missing for over 3 hour's. We searched everywhere looking for him, and after the flyer's were put up someone called within 15 minutes saying they had our dog and brought him home to us. In the mean time, Britney was very upset while walking the neighborhood with her daddy looking for Dexter, but then the ice cream man came along and Britney is yelling for him to stop with her hand out. Jason told her NO ice cream and that they were looking for her dog. She then told her dad that the dog was gone and she wanted ice cream. I guess ice cream make's all thing's better.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


We actually got a family picture with all of us at the beach. We had such a great time camping together. We are all so lucky that we can share these great time's together. Time spent with family and good friend's are the Best!

At The Beach

Jason and I on the beach watching the girl's run around in their bathing suits.

My neice Kendell. She is just so beautiful.

Little Miss Brit Brit striking a pose.

Bradley even held still for a moment to take a picture with his daddy's hat on. He look's kind of scared though.


It was so nice to have a beachfront campsite.

This is Jason sitting by our campfire right on the beach.

Britney, Chrissy, David, Kendell, and my mom enjoying the sound of the wave's relaxing by the fire.

Britney sitting by the campfire holding my sister's little 2 pound dog Louie.

Star Fish

Look what Uncle David found in the tide pools. The girl's have never touched a star fish before.

Mommy and Britney taking a picture with the star fish.

For Mother's Day weekend we went camping at Carpinteria Beach for a few day's. Saturday the weather was nice but the other day's were kind of cold. But that didn't stop us from having a good time.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My 2 Favorite's

Mommy with her two favorite little one's. I just love moment's like this.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hevan and Bradley

Meet Hevan, she is one of Bradley's cousin's. Only 3 month's separate them in age but Hevan is a strong, loving, and compassionate little girl when it come's to her cousin Bradley. These two have alway's shared a strong bond together ever since they were little babies. I know that their relationship will continue to grow through the year's and that she will help out with Bradley's well being and guide him in his later adult years.

Britney and Dexter

How cute is this. Britney like's to dress the dog's up and then go take them for a walk in the neighborhood. Not only does she like to dress them up, but she change's her clothes to match the color of what the dog's are wearing. She love's her puppy's and they love her too...

Guess Who???

That's right, Bradley finally got a hair cut. Actually, he got buzzed and so did his friend Noah. He look's older with his hair short like this. Whether his hair is long or short he's still cute no matter what. Except now all of his little girlfriend's at school can't run there finger's through his long beautiful blonde hair.