Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Julie's Birthday

We started our morning at starbuck's enjoying a cup of coffee before we headed over to kohl's for a little shopping. We had a 15 minute shopping spree before we had to rush to our nail appointment. Here we are getting our toe's done.

This is a picture in the nail forum and we were trying to figure out if this is a man or woman. Possibly both, a He/She???
What do you think?

The finished product. Our toe's are SO beautiful now. I Love It!!!

Next we head over to sushi where we had lunch. They took our picture to hang on there wall of fame.

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Julie Shushi Style.
Another great day hanging out with the "Autism Diva's"

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