Sunday, July 13, 2008

July Buena Vista Lake Trip

We just got back from camping at one of our favortie place's to camp and boat. We had a great time as usual camping with our friend's and family. My kid's are trooper's when it come's to camping, they absolutely love it.

Britney, Kendell, and Bradley just hanging out on the boat waiting to go for another boat ride.

Bradley helping daddy drive the boat.

Of course you had to know that Britney was going to want to drive the boat too.

Look at her face, so serious.

Mommy with Bradley playing on the back of the boat.
Daddy and Britney having fun swimming in the lake together.

The kid's had a blast playing on this BIG raft.

All the little one's sitting in the bow of the boat enjoying a ride.

After a long ride in the boat, and tubing with mommy, Bradley needed a Big daddy HUG.

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