Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where has the time gone?

It seem's like yesterday that my kid's were little. They grow up so fast...

Back in the day when we held Bradley in one arm and Britney in the other arm.

My blue-eyed boy.

My darling little baby girl.

Love my baby girl.

Alway's going to be Daddy's little boy.

Bradley used to carry a spoon with him everywhere he went.

Mommy love's to dress me up in cute little dresses and put bow's in my hair. I get my picture taken daily. Mommy just love's to take lot's of picture's.

Bradley trying to feed a fake rabbit.

Friday, January 23, 2009

We Are Family!

Good time's with our family. Somehow we are all related...

My mom, Her dad (my papa), My uncle Ron in front of my mom, Me and Bradley, My sister behind me, and My cousin Aaron and his son Jason.

My husband's family.
Jason, My mother in-law Stacey, Me, My father in-law Rick,and My brother in-law Michael.

Kendell and Britney

Me and my sister wine drinking, I mean tasting with our husband's behind us.

Jeremie, David, Jason, Mattie, Michael, Arie, and Scott

Kendell, Hevan, Britney, and Granny Stacey

Papa Rick and Bradley

Jason and I with my parents.

Britney, Hevan, Josh, Great Grandma Joyce, Lisa, and Bradley.

Jason with his Grandma Jennie and his brother Michael.

Aunty Lisa and Bradley.

Uncle Michael and Britney.

Bradley and Hevan

Josh and Bradley

Jason, Me, Chrissy, and David

Yep, we are all related. Even the two monkey's...


A KISS for my SIS.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sleep Over

Last night Britney had a sleep over with Jade and guess who had to sleep in the middle of the two. That's right, Bradley wanted to be apart of the sleep over too.

Bradley and Wesley

Bradley just love's his baby cousin Wesley. He is so curious about every little thing he does. He kept smiling, laughing, and touching him until finally he reached out to hold him. So we sat him on the couch and let him hold baby Wesley which he loved. It was so sweet how he touched his little toe's and held his little hand. This was definately a very tender moment for my son as he showed baby Wesley his very gentle and tender heart.


These are my husband's second cousin's which make them my kid's third cousin's.

Miss Katelynn

Jade and Faith

Britney & Ginger

Ginger is the sister to our dog's Rusty and Dexter. She is the reason I have 2 weiner dog's. When we first saw her as a puppy we fell in love with her instantly and immediatley went to go get one of her brother's, Rusty. The very next day after we got Rusty first, we called to see if his brother was still available. And that's how we ended up with 2 weiner's.
Britney and ginger

Britney dressed up Ginger in a little pink dress and took her for a walk.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Daughter is Forever

No matter how old she is, she will always be my little girl.

Brother & Sister

So I struggle with this question that my 5 year old daughter say's to me "I want a brother that can talk". No matter how many time's I explain our situation to her she see's other family's with sibling's who talk and play with each other and she want's that too. How can I argue with that. I have a sister that I can call and talk to any time I want and unfornately she will probably never have that. I just hope that one day she will see the gift that her big brother give's her without saying a word. Because he can't talk he has to show his love and affection to the one's that he love's by his action's.
When he look's into your eye's you can almost her him say I Love You, when he put's his arm's around you, you can feel that he care's, and when he give's you a kiss you know that he Love's You...