Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where has the time gone?

It seem's like yesterday that my kid's were little. They grow up so fast...

Back in the day when we held Bradley in one arm and Britney in the other arm.

My blue-eyed boy.

My darling little baby girl.

Love my baby girl.

Alway's going to be Daddy's little boy.

Bradley used to carry a spoon with him everywhere he went.

Mommy love's to dress me up in cute little dresses and put bow's in my hair. I get my picture taken daily. Mommy just love's to take lot's of picture's.

Bradley trying to feed a fake rabbit.

1 comment:

Julie Anne Winkle said...

I just love these pics! You have such a beautiful family Michelle. It's 4am, why not look at friends photos...
love ya, Jules