Friday, February 27, 2009

Field Trip

Today I went on a field trip with Bradley and his classmate's to the Castaic Lake Water Agency. Although we have been up there many time's before because Bradley's nana Linda(my mom) work's up there and it is also the place were I got married. Bradley and I are no stranger's to this place but we still had a good time and Bradley's nana got to do the field trip with us too.

Me and Bradley making our way into the garden.

Dena and Alexandra

Kenneth and Alan in the water pipe's.

Me, Bradley, and My Mom (I Love This Picture)

Bradley's teacher Julie leading the group in the garden.


Kenneth and Alan

Julie, Noah, and Jack

Kenneth and Bradley sitting in the lobby taking a break.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Britney Got An Award

Yesterday I went to go watch Britney get an award in "Effort".

Britney's friend Jayden also got an award too.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Kids

Britney looking oh so cute in her pink beanie hat.

Bradley playing in his bed and Louie just sat there next to him the whole time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bradley's Buddy's

So today really got me thinking on how far Bradley and his classmates have come as I brought Bradley to school this morning in the pouring rain. I watched Bradley along with his classmates sit and wait so patiently inside the hall lobby for there teacher to tell them it was now time to go to the classroom. I thought to myself these are some really great kid's who are really well behaved.
Bradley has come along way. His very first day of school the day after he turned 3 he was required to wear his backpack and walk in a single file line. As I watched him struggle to do these two simple task's I knew our journey wasn't going to be easy. But somehow, thing's just seem to fall into place when your not looking or least expect it too.
The two thing's I love most about Bradley and his friend's are there smile's and there sound's of happiness and laughter.







**********************************************************Bryson before his hair grew out

***********************************************************Kenneth is just too cool


Bradley playing in the sand. Something he love's to do.









Bradley sitting between his two best friends...

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Bradley hate's to wear shoes. But for Christmas I bought him these black ugg boot's that he absolutely love's to wear. In fact, he hardly wears any clothes at all when he is home, but love's to wear the boot's. He's just to darn cute walking around naked with only his boot's on. Oh, and you can almost alway's find him with the refrigerator door's open. He's doing 3 of his favorite things Eat, be naked, and wear his Boot's... Too Funny!

Passed Out!!!

My little guy fell a sleep in his chair. I had to take a picture of him sleeping like this before I moved him to his bed. He is my sweet little boy, I just LOVE him...