Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bradley's Buddy's

So today really got me thinking on how far Bradley and his classmates have come as I brought Bradley to school this morning in the pouring rain. I watched Bradley along with his classmates sit and wait so patiently inside the hall lobby for there teacher to tell them it was now time to go to the classroom. I thought to myself these are some really great kid's who are really well behaved.
Bradley has come along way. His very first day of school the day after he turned 3 he was required to wear his backpack and walk in a single file line. As I watched him struggle to do these two simple task's I knew our journey wasn't going to be easy. But somehow, thing's just seem to fall into place when your not looking or least expect it too.
The two thing's I love most about Bradley and his friend's are there smile's and there sound's of happiness and laughter.







**********************************************************Bryson before his hair grew out

***********************************************************Kenneth is just too cool


Bradley playing in the sand. Something he love's to do.









Bradley sitting between his two best friends...

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