Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of 4th Grade

This is a picture of Bradley right before he started his first day of 4th grade. This year will be very different for him because he has a new teacher. We have been very fornate to have had the same great teacher Miss Julie for the past 3 years and now we have all the adjustments to make for the new teacher Mrs. P. So far things have been ok. Bradley has had a few hard day's in the morning going to school but that is to be expected. I'm looking forward to this new year with his new teacher and can't wait to see the new and exciting things she teaches him this year. Wish him lot's of luck this year and even say a little prayer for him that he continue's to progress and has a successful year.

Monday, August 24, 2009

35 years ago...

35 years ago today, my parent's got married to each other at a very young age of 20 years old. My sister and I along with our husbands surprised them with a cruise for their anniversary. They were both thrilled and are hopefully enjoying cruising right now. Here's to 35 year's.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Britney's First day of 1st grade

Getting ready to walk to school on the first day.

We live in a neighborhood with all boy's.

Jayden and Britney are in 1st grade together.

Kendell starting her first day in 2nd grade at Britney's school.

Britney starting to get all emotional, so Jayden held her hand and walked her into the class room. It was the cutest thing to watch.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Long Beach Aquarium

We had a good hour and a half yesterday at the aquarium before Bradley started to have one of his melt downs. The kids loved seeing all the fish and different sea creature's. Bradley enjoyed himself too and the best part was that we had already gone thru most of the aquarium when Bradley called it quit's.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dexter Meets "Sassy"

The newest and most unexpected member of our family Miss Sassy.

Sassy just chill's on my computer desk while I'm on the computer.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hurricane Harbor

Bradley, Kendell, and Britney

Bradley kicking back in his lounge chair.

This week at Hurricane Harbor the kid's met up with their friend Christian.

Kendell and Britney with their new matching bathing suits.

Christian and Bradley

Britney and Christian

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Santa Barbara Zoo

Britney, Gio, and Bradley watching the otter's.

Gio, Bradley, Josh, Kendell, and Britney

Bradley just love's fish aquarium's.

Monica with her boy's and me with my kid's and my niece Kendell.

Me and the girl's watching the elephant's.

Look what just hatched here at the zoo.

The girl's being silly.

Bradley and Gio wanted to get on the big turtle too.

Anxiously waiting to get on the train that take's you all around the zoo.

All Aboard...

Say Cheese girls...

The kid's being silly again

Annette, Kenneth, Bradley and Rebecca (Brad's therapist) walking along.

The Girl's

Can't go to the zoo without getting a group picture...