Thursday, September 17, 2009

Magic Mountain

Last sunday we all went to Magic Mountain for my husband's union picnic. We had a blast and so did the kid's.

Our family picture

Me and my cute little cherub.

All of the girl's.

Bradley spotted out the candy shop right away and of course daddy bought him cotton candy.
(daddy like's to make sure we keep our dentist busy by giving our kid's sugar)

Having lot's of fun in Bug's Bunny Land.

Daddy riding the little roller coaster with Bradley in Bug's Bunny Land. Which by the way Bradley love's all the Big roller coaster's that are not in Bug's Bunny Land.

The whole group took a ride on Thomas the Train.

The kid's flying the airplane's.

Bradley love's this mini freefall ride.

Another train ride with sister.

Britney and Kendell with Tweety Bird.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Grandparent's Day at Britney's School

Today at Britney's school they had Grandparent's day. It's a day where the kids grandparents can come in the classroom for a half hour in the morning to do an art project with them.

Britney happy to see her Papa.

Working hard...

They are doing some serious coloring right now.

The finished project. Granny and Grandpa puppets. Yay!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Britney's Share Day

So today Britney got a note sent home with her from the teacher. It reads:

Mrs. Hopkins,
Britney had money today for the red cart. She bought herself a slushie and also bought 4 friends slushies. The children are not allowed to buy for their friends. She didn't know this. Please discuss it with her at home. Thank you.

So I discuss the matter with Britney and she get's mad at me for not telling her she wasn't allowed to buy for friends. I told her that she's not in trouble and it was very nice of her to buy her friends a snack, but not to do it again at school. Oh, did I mention that she spent all of her money that I gave her for the week in 1 day and now she think's I need to give her more money for tomorrow's snack.
I think not...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Sweet Boy

Two weeks into the new school year and things are slowly getting a little bit better. Well not really, but at least now I get a break and share him with his teacher. His sleeping patterns are getting better so that's a plus in my book. I just wish they didn't change so much.
Oh well, things could be worse right?

I guess I shouldn't complain about what I don't have and enjoy the things I do have.

Britney and Sassy

So far so good with the kitty. Britney just love's her and so do the dog's. As for me, well, I like her, she's cute and all but she keep's clawing my leather chair's. So either I declaw her and make her an inside cat or get some chair cover's and see if that work's.
Britney is adjusting well to her new school schedule. Now that she is in first grade her day's are much longer. The first week of school was a really tough week for her but she has adapted pretty well.