Thursday, November 19, 2009


A week before Britney's 6th birthday we took her out of school to spend the day at Disneyland. This was Britney's first outing with out her brother that she got to spend alone time with just Jason and I. We had so much fun and will continue to have our special day's with her.

She is so excited to finally be at Disneyland. We took her when she was a baby but that doesn't really count since she couldn't go on many ride's and does not remember it.

Britney was very excited to have us all to herself.

Britney rode all the scary roller coaster's. She wasn't to thrilled with Thunder Mountain.

Showing off her first tooth that she lost the night before.

Nana bought the girl's matching Mickey pirate ear's.

David and Chrissy took the girl's on the tea cups since Jason and I didn't feel like getting dizzy.

Having a blast in Toon Town.

All the girl's...

David and Jason with the girl's.

My silly girl.

The girl's having the time of their life.

Britney's favorite character "Minnie".

Our group shot with "Mickey".

Britney and Kendell waiting for the parade to start.

1 comment:

The Baca family said...

I'm so happy for Britney, it looks like she loved it! How fun...