Saturday, April 3, 2010

Autism Awareness Day

Yesterday was World Autism Awareness Day, but to me everyday is Autism Awareness Day. Having a child with Autism can be very challenging and hard on our family somtimes. But what some people might think is a problem or a burden can be one of life's most precious gifts. My son Bradley is one of the most sweetest and lovable boys you will ever meet. He has the face of an angel and his smile can even light up the darkest room. I can't imagine my life any other way but caring for my two beautiful children, one who just happens to have Autism.
Through this journey I have met some wonderful people that I would have never met had my son not had Autism. Don't get me wrong I wish that he didn't have this disability but he does, and instead of dwelling on what could have been I'm embracing what is. I have the most wonderful family and friends who are in our lives daily and I can't thank them enough for their love and support.
Having a relationship with a person who has a disability can be life changing. It sure has changed my life and I am a better person because of it. I love my son and all his friends with Autism and look forward to meeting more new friends in the years to come. Please keep Bradley in your prayers and share Autism Awareness EveryDay...

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