Friday, June 25, 2010

Cherry Picking

Bradley's like "What Ever" I'll carry this bucket and walk around watching you guys pick cherries.

Papa showing the girl's which kind of cherries to pick.

Britney and Kendell picking away.

Papa trying to get Brad to taste a cherry. Brad thinks that it is "Poison".

The girls in a race to fill their buckets full of cherries.

My Beautiful Girl...

Making sure it's good enough to go into the bucket.

I just love her...

The girl's checking out their cherry collection and papa dumping all the cherries into one bucket.

Strolling through the cherry fields.

Even from behind she is just so darn cute...

We had such a good time. It was the kids first time and something that my parents use to take my sister and I to do all the time when we were kids. We can't wait to do it again.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Thursday morning at about 7:50 in the morning I was sitting at my kitchen table and started to feel a little light headed and dizzy. It was when I st00d up that I felt the left side of my body start to go numb. I grabbed my phone and went to the couch to lay down. That's when everything started to fade quickly for me. I tried to call my mom and husband but could not remember their phone numbers, in fact I couldn't remember anyone's number including my own. It was at that moment I knew something felt very wrong. I was having some sort of chest pain, shortness of breath, the left side of my body was numb, and I was very confused. Britney had already left for school and Bradley was in the shower. I called 911 in fear that I was having a heart attack. After arriving at the hospital they did many tests to see if I had had a heart attack or TIA which is a mild stroke. All of my tests came back good stating that I didn't have either one of these and that it must have been an anxiety attack. I was very happy with the results knowing that my heart is fine but scared at the same time knowing that these attacks can pop out at any time. I will be going to the doctor in this next week to get some kind of medication to help with anxiety so that this doesn't happen again. What is so confusing to me is that I have been really happy and calm these past few months. Things have really settled down alot over here ever since we put Bradley on his medication. I'm just really surprised that I haven't had one of these attacks sooner when my stress was at it's peak, but hey, what doesn't kill me make's me stronger.