Thursday, August 7, 2008

Magic Mountain

What a great day we had with our thrill seeking boys. This was a day for me to spend time with Bradley. Britney spent the day with Kendell and her grandma. So off to Magic Mountain we went with one of Bradley's good friends Noah and his mom Julie.

Me and Bradley on the Roaring Rapids ride. You can't even tell that we were on a wet ride not a drop of water landed on either me or Bradley.

As for Julie and Noah they got soaked on this ride.

This is a picture of a wave going over Julie's head as she is trying to take a picture of Bradley and I.

Group picture of all of us on the Jet Stream.

Me and Bradley posing for a picture while being stuck on the Jet Stream as we were going up hill. We were stuck up there for 2 to 5 minutes. The boy's didn't seem to mind at all.

The Colossus was definately thrilling for Bradley.

The boy's taking a moment to rest and have a drink.

Noah and Julie on the swings. This was one of Bradley's favorite ride's besides Ninja.

Bradley and Noah taking a picture with a Big Chicken.

We made it through the day, and what a Fabulous day it was.

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