Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Dad Turns 55

WOW!!! 55, my dad is officially a senior citizen today. We all celebrated my dad's birthday at our favorite little place to eat "La Cocina". We had such a great time and Bradley was absolutely perfect. I was kind of nervous at first because the last time we tried to eat at a restaurant with Bradley it was a complete nightmere. It was so nice to spend a couple of hours eating out with the family and celebrating a special day.

Our party group

Bradley, Me, My Mom Linda, Britney, Kendell, and My Sister Chrissy

My dad had specifically told my mom no singing because he didn't want whip cream all up inside his nose. Well guess what? That's just to bad. We went against his will and ordered up the singing, samboro hat, and of course lots of whip cream. The kids thought it was so much fun to watch and Bradley was giggling and laughing too.

It looks like he is giving my mom the stink eye.

Bradley and his Nana

Britney with her Aunt Chrissy. They sure do look alot alike.

Mommy kissing Bradley for being such a good boy.

My dad with his grand daughters wishing him a happy birthday!!!


Julie Anne Winkle said...

How cool! Looks like you guys had a great time.

Carly Payne said...

Hey Michelle! Thanks for your comment, it made me laugh hysterically. We missed you guys at soccer pictures, but can't wait to see you all when you get back!