Saturday, June 27, 2009


Summer school, playing with friends, and daily swimming has this little girl wiped out by the end of the day.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Walk with Me, Dad

Walk alongside me,
daddy and hold my little hand.
I have so many things to learn that
I don't yet understand.

Teach me things to keep me safe
from dangers everyday.

Show me how to do my best at home,
at school, and at play.

Every child needs a gentle hand to
guide them as they grow,
So walk alongside me, Daddy ~

We have a long way to go.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Having Some Fun

On the actual day of our 10 year anniversary we spent time with cousin's because we had spent the week before on our cruise together.
The kid's had a blast riding around in the golf cart that Jade was driving.

Stopping just for a minute so I could take a picture.

And they are off again...

Over 2 acres of flat land for them to ride around on.

Me and Jade (I love this girl, she is very special to me)

Faith, Kendell, Jade, Me, and Katelyn
Britney is taking the picture that's why she's not in it.

Faith, Kendell, Jade, Wesley, Me, Katelyn, and Britney
I just love all these kid's. They are some of my favorite people to spend time with.

Our Honeymoon 10 Years Ago

After our wedding day we flew to Jamaica the very next day.
This was one of our most memorable day's in Jamaica climbing the Dunn's River.

Friday, June 19, 2009

10 YEARS Today

I can't believe it's been 10 years since we both said "I Do".
The time has flown by...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Anniversary Cruise

Last week Jason and I took a little 4 day cruise with out the kid's to Catalina and Ensenada to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. We had so much fun and can't wait to cruise again.

Bon Voyage!!! Leaving Long Beach Harbor.

We cruised on the "Carnival Paradise" ship.

Taking the little boat to Catalina.

We rented a golf cart to cruise the island and I even drove it half the time.

Jason with the view of Catalina behind him.

My turn to take a picture.

I actually took this picture myself using the timer on my camera.

Look, there's our ship.

This picture look's like he is standing in front of a back drop background, but he's not.

Jason and I on the ship looking at the city of Ensenada.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Surfer's Healing at Malibu Beach

On June 6th we took Bradley down to Malibu Beach where he was able to surf his 3rd year in the Surfer's Healing program for Autistic children.

Bradley on his way out to ride some wave's.

Bradley hanging on enjoying the ride. Well, at least I think he is enjoying it.

Getting ready to stand Bradley on the board.

Bradley is alot bigger this year than he was last year so it was harder to get him to stand up on the board. Bradley preferred to lay down than stand up.

Bradley and his surfer buddy posing for a picture.

My whole family came down to Malibu to watch Bradley surf.

We are all so proud of Bradley. He is such a good sport and participate's in all the activities that I sign him up for. Way to go Bradley!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Family Group Picture

A few week's ago we had a family BBQ with my husband's side of the family. And of course, "Me" being the picture taking freak that I am had the tripod all set up to get a group shot. We had fun taking these picture's.

Brad's Last Day of 3rd Grade

Beach Day at Britney's School

Last week Britney had her end of the year class party for kindergarten and it was a Beach Day party. The kid's had so much fun. They all wore their bathing suits and did lot's of fun activitie's that included lot's of water and sun.

Britney just love's to jump rope.

Britney and Jayden in their sun hat's.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Brad's Class Picnic at The Park

Bradley's class had their end of the year class party picnic at Heritage Park. The kid's all had a great time.
Bradley and his teacher Miss Julie. We are going to miss her as she has been our kid's teacher for the past 3 years. This new school year will bring lot's of change's as our kid's go into the 4th grade with a new teacher.

This is our group minus a few of people.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bradley's Singing Recital

For some of you reading this your probably thinking Brad can sing. Well the answer to that is No. Bradley can't talk so how could he possibly sing. But just because most of the kid's in Bradley's class can't talk doesn't stop them from being a part in a Singing Recital. Some sing while other's sign and well Bradley just like's to sit there and look Cool.

Best Bud's
Noah, Bradley, and Kenneth

Bradley and Kenneth

Noah and Bradley

Noah, Gio, Bradley, Kenneth, and Edwardo

Gio, Bradley, and Kenneth

The whole class

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lake Buena Vista Part 2

Daddy and Bradley going for a little sea-doo ride. My kid love's anything to do with water and has No Fear what so ever.

Jason and David with their girl's.

Me and Julie tubing. I'm a big time screamer when it come's to tubing but we had a blast.

Even our dog's Rusty and Dexter liked the water. When I was laying out on the big floaty island both of my dog's swam out to me.

Save a horse and ride a cowboy...

Miss Chip and Brit. Britney just love's Julie.

Me and my crew taking a picture in our boat.

Kendell and Nana out in the boat.

Me and my sister enjoying the ride.

Bradley and Papa walking. Bradley know's that papa has a soft spot for him and will do anything he want's him too.

Britney taking a picture with papa.

This is just one of our many boat trips.

My Parents

Jason and I watching the sunset.

Jack brought his guitar and played for us one night. Julie was supposed to sing but never made it out for that. There's always next time.

Our Group Camping picture