Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Night Out

On Tuesday night, Jason and I went out with my sister and my brother-in-law David for his 30th Birthday. We went to eat at a French restaurant called Le Chene. I ordered the lobster tail which happened to be the biggest lobster tail I have ever seen. It looked like a lobster tail on steriods. Anyway's, not only was it big, it was the best lobster I have ever had.

David and Chrissy

Me and Jason.
(I just love this white dress!!!)

Me and Jason again but a close up shot.

Me sitting outside on the patio enjoying my drink (it's a Mai-Tai).

Jason and David

Jason, Chrissy, and David


So on Saturday our nephew Josh turned 16. His parent's threw him a 16th Birthday Party with lot's of his friend's and family.

Britney, cousin Hevan, and second cousin Melissa looking all cute in their grass hula skirts.

Britney wishing her cousin Josh a happy birthday.

My cute little hula girl.

Melissa, Britney, and Britney's Great Grandma Jennie. This is Jason's grandmother on his mother's side of the family.

Mommy and Britney

Mommy and Daddy

Britney putting a flower leigh on her Great Grandpa Howard. This is Jason's Grandfather on his father's side of the family.

How about a big kiss for your great grandpa. MUAH!!!

Papa Rick, Britney, and Great Grandpa Howard. Britney was thrilled to meet her great grandpa for the first time.

Aunt Lisa and Britney

What a great picture of 4 generations.
Michael, Rick, Josh, Howard, Jason

Josh taking a family picture with his mom and scott.

Happy Birthday Josh!!! We hope you had a great 16th Birthday...
Now make a Wish!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday's Game

Saturday's game was so much fun. Bradley had fun and surprised me with no screaming and great participation in the game.

My cute soccer player.

Mom and Bradley running down the field to kick that soccer ball.

Dad's turn to help Bradley score a goal.

Bradley had this ball until number 18 came up and stole the ball from Bradley.

Ooops!!! Dad kicking the ball away from number 18 so Bradley can have a chance to score. (Where is number 18 parent's???)

And he score's!!! Look at the smile on Bradley's face as we are all cheering and his team mate's give him hi-five's.

Bradley's good friend's Noah and Kenneth congratulate him with a hi-five. Way to go Bradley.

Dad is so proud of his boy. Dad has to help and guide Bradley down the field, but Bradley is the one who kick's the ball down the field and into the goal net.

Way to go son.

Britney, Bradley, and Daddy walking over to do the Fireball's chant and run thru the tunnel.

Another Week Gone By

So, another week has gone by at the Hopkins home and the good new's is that Bradley is sleeping more than 2 to 4 hours a night. As for the screaming and the meltdowns, well that's still happenning. I'm a little bit nervous over what's to come in the next two week's for the kid's have several minimum day's this week and next week they are out of school for fall break. My kid's just started back up at school 6 1/2 week's ago and the school district feel's they already need a break??? What about the parent's? We are the one's who need a break!!! Anyway's, I'm going to do my best to keep my kiddo's busy and hope that Bradley will co-operate so that we can have a good fall break.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Cross My Heart

Britney and I were watching my wedding video before she went to bed tonight and when it was over she asked me when was I getting married again? She has so much fun watching my wedding video and want's to know why she wasn't there and can I do it again so she can be there. That would be fun to do, but I told her the next wedding I plan will be her's like in 25 years from now. EECK!!! That mean's I'll be 57.

I Cross My Heart is a song that Jason proposed to me while living in our Newhall apartment together. It's also our first dance at our wedding.

I cross my heart and promise to make tommorrow the best that it can be.


Today, Jason and I took Bradley to the doctor for a rash that he has under his right ear. I thought that it might be ring worm but the doctor said it was definately not ring worm and that it was just a sun rash. Bradley appear's to be fine and there are no concern's as far as his health goes on the outside of his body.

As for Jason and I, we are trying our best not to lose it. Bradley's constant screaming is really wearing us down. I'm so sick of not being able to think clearly because I have Bradley tugging on my arm and screaming in my ear. I don't see a light at the end of this very very dark tunnel we live in right now. When does Autism get better or does it just get worse? My heart ache's for my son who is suffering and in so much pain. I have so many question's and unfornately no one can answer them. Why???

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Black Widow

So, I'm on the phone with Annette right now and I see the big black widow in my kitchen. I scream on the phone and run to get my Raid. This sucker is HUGE but she is about to die. I have aracnophobia and absolutely hate spider's. EEEEW!!!

The Beading Fools

This is another water color painting by Annette. This picture was actually inspired by a comment Jason made to me one night. He woke up around mid-night one night to find me sitting at the kitchen table making my jewelry and said to me "what are you doing up so late, your a beading fool."

In the picture is me, annette, and julie making our jewelry and dena is peeking in on us by the door. We have alot of fun together doing different thing's but making our jewelry is one way we relieve some of our daily stress.

The Ladie's Under The Tree

This picture is a painting that my friend Annette painted with water colors. When our kid's started their second year of school at Helmer's there was a new group of mom's with children who had Autism starting the new school year. So, the school had a welcome Tea to invite all the new autism mommy's to hear a presentation, see there new school, and meet some of the old school autism mommy's. After meeting these women they had said they had heard all about us and that we where the ladie's under the tree. Which is funny but true because we all gather around this big tree in front of the school 20 minute's before school get's out. So, Annette was inspired by this and painted this fun, artsy, cartoon like painting of us all under the tree.

In the painting from left to right is suppose to be:
Me, Britney, Annette, Julie, Dena, Monica, and Joshua in the stroller

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bradley's First Soccer Game

Today was Bradley's first soccer game of the season. This will be Bradley's second year playing VIP Soccer. Anyway's, Bradley did such a good job today which I was really surprised about because for the past 3 week's he has been extremely difficult. He went out there on the soccer field kicked the ball around a few time's and was dripping sweat as he ran up and down the field. Way to go Bradley!

There team banner "Fireballs"

Taking a water break in the shade.

Taking another break with his sister.

Bradley and Kenneth giving a hi-five.

Bradley, Kenneth, and Bryson

Britney's First Soccer Game

Today was suppose to be the day that Britney got to play her first soccer game. Well, that didn't work out the way I thought it would. She started crying once we got to the soccer field and made her dad carry her on his shoulder's. Then she only wanted to sit on his lap and watch the other kid's play. Oh well, maybe we will have better luck next week when we attempt this again.

Britney looking all cute in her soccer uniform.
To bad we didn't get to see her kick a ball.

On her dad's shoulder's walking to the soccer field.

Watching her team mates play soccer.


One of Bradley's typical friends at school made him and Britney friendship bracelet's to wear. This little girl is so sweet to not only think of her friend Bradley but his little sister too. It is so nice to know that when I drop Bradley off at school each morning that he has many typical friend's that want to help him and be his friend.

Friday, September 5, 2008

A Night Out

Here we are at La Cocina again for some good drink's, good food, and good company.

Me and Monica.
(I had no idea she was such a hot mama)

Cute Kids

So yesterday was picture day for the kids at school. Well, I thought Bradley was having his picture taken yesterday but apparently not. It was moved to today. Oh well, it's not like he doesn't mind. Everyday in my house is picture day.

Britney just love's her brother. They have a special bond together.

I told Bradley to give his sister a kiss goodbye before she left for school and he leaned over and kissed her forehead. I think he love's his sister too.

Britney looking cute as alway's.