Monday, September 1, 2008

I Need A Break

So, for the past couple of week's now Bradley has been very difficult to handle and be around. He's not sleeping thru the night. In fact he is waking up every night around 2-3am in the morning and staying up for the entire day. Not only is he awake but he is screaming and crying hysterically while thrashing his body like a fish out of water. I'm tired, frustrated (not only with Bradley but also our family who doesn't understand what we really go thru) and have had headache's daily due to our frustrating and chaotic life. Thank God for my good friend's Annette and Julie who truly know how hard life can sometime's be when living with a child who has Autism and can not tell us their frustration's and pain.

I can't wait to drop him off at school tommorrow so I can get some peace.

1 comment:

Julie Anne Winkle said...

I do understand dear friend. And you are not alone, don't forget that...
I am in your shoes at the moment. It's also the reason I didn't call yesterday. We've been up since 2am and he's still going strong... of course, that was after throwing a major tantrum at church yesterday!

with you in spirit,