Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday's Game

Saturday's game was so much fun. Bradley had fun and surprised me with no screaming and great participation in the game.

My cute soccer player.

Mom and Bradley running down the field to kick that soccer ball.

Dad's turn to help Bradley score a goal.

Bradley had this ball until number 18 came up and stole the ball from Bradley.

Ooops!!! Dad kicking the ball away from number 18 so Bradley can have a chance to score. (Where is number 18 parent's???)

And he score's!!! Look at the smile on Bradley's face as we are all cheering and his team mate's give him hi-five's.

Bradley's good friend's Noah and Kenneth congratulate him with a hi-five. Way to go Bradley.

Dad is so proud of his boy. Dad has to help and guide Bradley down the field, but Bradley is the one who kick's the ball down the field and into the goal net.

Way to go son.

Britney, Bradley, and Daddy walking over to do the Fireball's chant and run thru the tunnel.

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