Thursday, September 25, 2008


So on Saturday our nephew Josh turned 16. His parent's threw him a 16th Birthday Party with lot's of his friend's and family.

Britney, cousin Hevan, and second cousin Melissa looking all cute in their grass hula skirts.

Britney wishing her cousin Josh a happy birthday.

My cute little hula girl.

Melissa, Britney, and Britney's Great Grandma Jennie. This is Jason's grandmother on his mother's side of the family.

Mommy and Britney

Mommy and Daddy

Britney putting a flower leigh on her Great Grandpa Howard. This is Jason's Grandfather on his father's side of the family.

How about a big kiss for your great grandpa. MUAH!!!

Papa Rick, Britney, and Great Grandpa Howard. Britney was thrilled to meet her great grandpa for the first time.

Aunt Lisa and Britney

What a great picture of 4 generations.
Michael, Rick, Josh, Howard, Jason

Josh taking a family picture with his mom and scott.

Happy Birthday Josh!!! We hope you had a great 16th Birthday...
Now make a Wish!!!

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