Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So Different, Yet So the Same

Bradley and his friend Kyra

This was written by Bradley's friend Kyra who will be speaking at the "Helmers 2008 Reflections Gala" on November 7th, (which of course I will be there to watch her give her speech).

When I think about my friends with autism, I think, "WOW, what great friends we are!" But how can that be when we're so different? The truth is that they are more like me than they are different. My friends with autism have families and friends. They need food, water, shelter, and love. We do a lot of the same things. They go to school just like me. Some of my friends are on an AYSO soccer team. They play with toys, watch movies, and go to birthday parties. We all experience the same feelings. They get happy, sad, and excited. They get their feelings hurt and get frustrated. All of these things I do too.

We're different, but in a good way. My friends with autism sometimes act differently then I do. They like to do repeating behaviors, like tapping or playing with their hands. It seems to be something that makes them feel good. My friends sometimes make unusual sounds. Sometimes it may seem like they're throwing a tantrum, but they're really just trying to communicate that something is wrong or they're over stimulated. They really like to follow a set routine and when they don't, they can sometimes get very upset. When I first met them, it seemed like they were ignoring me, but they sometimes just live in their own world and didn't know that I was trying to be friends with them.

They communicate differently than I do. They don't talk very much or not at all. Some use sign language or electronic communication devices such as MINI-MO's or GO-Talks. These devices are they're voice.

My friends socialize in different ways than I do, or sometimes don't socialize at all, but we can be taught how to do it differently. If we both learn how to understand each other, then we can meet in the middle and have a good friendship. When I first met them, it seemed like they were ignoring me, but it just took a while for us to get used to each other. Once we had been together for a short period, we warmed up to each other. After a while, we started to feel a connection and let each other in.

It makes me sad when people hurt my friend's feelings because they don't understand them. People shouldn't judge my friends at first sight because they aren't always what they seem. Understanding the differences between us has helped us become better friends. I hope that people will get to know my friends, so they can be amazed, just like me.

I started volunteering in a SDC class, aka Special Day Class, expecting to help the students. But I also gained a lot, like new friendships and a better understanding of autism. It's fun and I really like it. I feel good about making a difference in their lives. I've learned ways to understand how my friends communicate with me when they don't use words. I can understand what they want or how they're feeling by their facial expressions, the way the interact with me, how they get my attention, and how they react to things. I've learned how to communicate with them in a way that they understand me. I learned to use sign language. I use simple sentences when I talk to them. I give them tickles and hugs. Now that I know these things, it has enabled us to be great friends.

My friends with autism are amazing and they make me happy. They accept me for who I am and I love playing with them. They're always happy to see me. I know I'm making a difference in their lives and they're makeing a difference in mine. We're so different, yet so the same. WOW!

All I can say is that we definately need more Kyra's in the world to make it a better place to live.

A Healthy Drink

OK, so this bowl of fruit that you see here in my fruit bowl is not fruit to eat. In fact, it's fruit that I hand squeeze to make my perfect drink. It sound's crazy but I can't get the same taste from juice that is store bought. So, I hand squeeze a whole orange, 1 whole lime, a shot of Smirnoff Vodka (or more), fill the glass with ice, and sprinkle sea salt on the top. It's delicious, it's good for you, and it's my new favorite drink.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What in the....

So I walked into Bradley's room one day last week only to find his room all torn apart and looking like this, with little feet sticking out from under the bed. It look's like a scene from "The Wizard of Oz."

I put the camera under the bed cause I couldn't see what he was doing and he was having a good ole time under there. He like's small spaces and places to hide.

It look's like he's thinking "Hey, What are you looking at?"

Soccer & Friends

Bradley and mommy out on the soccer field waiting for the ball to come our way.

Water Break!

Britney and Joshua playing on the side while their brother's are playing soccer. Britney just love's this little boy.

VIP Soccer Moms
Annette, Aileen, Dena, Me, and Monica

Kenneth and Bradley taking a long water break...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mommy & Bradley

Two day's before Bradley was about to turn 1 year old. I had professional picture's taken of Bradley and I to celebrate his first birthday and my 26th birthday. I'm so thankful that I had these picture's taken of the two of us.

I have asked myself if I have loved you enough and done the very best job that I could for you. I remember mistakes or wrong decisions that I have made and how they might have hurt you. Yet I have never stopped loving you, even in our most challenging times together. When I think of you, I feel tears well up in my eyes because of our hard yet rewarding journey together as mother and son. You are a special person who is precious, cherished, and most of all Loved...

Happy 8th Birthday

I took this picture right before the party was about to start.

Everyone singing Happy Birthday to Bradley. If he had a shirt on he would have been hiding under it. He is so shy.

Jason is telling him to blow out the candle. Look at bradley's lip's you can see that he is trying to blow.

We rented a huge bounce house with an attached slide for Bradley and his friend's.

WEEEEEEEE!!!! Now that look's like fun...

Bradley does not like to open present's so I had to open up all his gift's. I was trying to at least make him sit beside me.

Bradley's cousin's got him this cool chair you sit in and rock back and forth.

Bradley would rather play in the water with the hose. This is his favorite thing to do.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Our first time having a family picture taken. This was taken in December 2000, Bradley was just 2 month's old.

October 2001, Bradley just about to turn 1 year's old. My baby was a typical little boy in this picture. This was the age we heard him first start to talk. He could call me "mama" and his dad "dada" in this picture. These were the day's before Autism...

December 2001, Bradley 14 month's old. This was our last family photo with the Bradley we knew before Autism. He was such a happy baby and loved to have his picture taken.

Look at his smile, his sweet angelic face, everything about him was PRICELESS!!!!

November 17, 2002 exactly one year to the day that our daughter Britney would be born. Bradley had just turned 2 in this picture. My happy photogenic baby was all of a sudden not happy anymore. This was our first family picture with our son who has Autism. I still love him with all my heart, but I miss the Bradley I once knew.

Whoo Hooo!!!

My day started at 6:30 this morning getting the kid's ready for school. Yes!!! I could'nt wait to get my kid's off to school and hurry my butt down to the corner bakery to meet some friend's of mine for breakfast. We had such a great morning and then it was time to go shopping. I bought myself an early birthday present from jason to me. I wanted an IPOD speaker system, so I bought one. Yay, Happy early Birthday to me... This was a great day. No screamming from Bradley now for 3 day's in a row. Why can't every day be like today.

The past 2 month's have been unbelievebly hard, challenging and heartbreaking, but we have been blessed with my wonderful family and our friend's support. We have once again made it thru a terribly difficult time with our sweet Bradley.

"When your dream shatters into a million pieces... You can either fall apart, or go get yourself another dream."

For the past 2 month's I chose to fall apart, but now I'm ready to get myself another dream. Autism may be a lifelong condition, but I have HOPE for my son.

Enjoying a bottle of wine tonight. Annette bought me this Scottish wine cork when she was over seas last summer. Thought it was cute so I of course took a picture.

Hey girl's I think it's about that time again for some more wine tasting!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Bradley love's anything to do with motion. Having a good time with dad after having a bad meltdown.