Monday, October 6, 2008

Whoo Hooo!!!

My day started at 6:30 this morning getting the kid's ready for school. Yes!!! I could'nt wait to get my kid's off to school and hurry my butt down to the corner bakery to meet some friend's of mine for breakfast. We had such a great morning and then it was time to go shopping. I bought myself an early birthday present from jason to me. I wanted an IPOD speaker system, so I bought one. Yay, Happy early Birthday to me... This was a great day. No screamming from Bradley now for 3 day's in a row. Why can't every day be like today.

The past 2 month's have been unbelievebly hard, challenging and heartbreaking, but we have been blessed with my wonderful family and our friend's support. We have once again made it thru a terribly difficult time with our sweet Bradley.

"When your dream shatters into a million pieces... You can either fall apart, or go get yourself another dream."

For the past 2 month's I chose to fall apart, but now I'm ready to get myself another dream. Autism may be a lifelong condition, but I have HOPE for my son.

Enjoying a bottle of wine tonight. Annette bought me this Scottish wine cork when she was over seas last summer. Thought it was cute so I of course took a picture.

Hey girl's I think it's about that time again for some more wine tasting!!!

1 comment:

Julie Anne Winkle said...

I love you Michelle!

I love your family!

I love our friendship!

I love our time together sorting out the trials we go through!

I am there for you, ALWAYS!
