Monday, October 6, 2008


Our first time having a family picture taken. This was taken in December 2000, Bradley was just 2 month's old.

October 2001, Bradley just about to turn 1 year's old. My baby was a typical little boy in this picture. This was the age we heard him first start to talk. He could call me "mama" and his dad "dada" in this picture. These were the day's before Autism...

December 2001, Bradley 14 month's old. This was our last family photo with the Bradley we knew before Autism. He was such a happy baby and loved to have his picture taken.

Look at his smile, his sweet angelic face, everything about him was PRICELESS!!!!

November 17, 2002 exactly one year to the day that our daughter Britney would be born. Bradley had just turned 2 in this picture. My happy photogenic baby was all of a sudden not happy anymore. This was our first family picture with our son who has Autism. I still love him with all my heart, but I miss the Bradley I once knew.

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