Saturday, June 20, 2009

Having Some Fun

On the actual day of our 10 year anniversary we spent time with cousin's because we had spent the week before on our cruise together.
The kid's had a blast riding around in the golf cart that Jade was driving.

Stopping just for a minute so I could take a picture.

And they are off again...

Over 2 acres of flat land for them to ride around on.

Me and Jade (I love this girl, she is very special to me)

Faith, Kendell, Jade, Me, and Katelyn
Britney is taking the picture that's why she's not in it.

Faith, Kendell, Jade, Wesley, Me, Katelyn, and Britney
I just love all these kid's. They are some of my favorite people to spend time with.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely adorable I love all the new pics!