Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Surfer's Healing at Malibu Beach

On June 6th we took Bradley down to Malibu Beach where he was able to surf his 3rd year in the Surfer's Healing program for Autistic children.

Bradley on his way out to ride some wave's.

Bradley hanging on enjoying the ride. Well, at least I think he is enjoying it.

Getting ready to stand Bradley on the board.

Bradley is alot bigger this year than he was last year so it was harder to get him to stand up on the board. Bradley preferred to lay down than stand up.

Bradley and his surfer buddy posing for a picture.

My whole family came down to Malibu to watch Bradley surf.

We are all so proud of Bradley. He is such a good sport and participate's in all the activities that I sign him up for. Way to go Bradley!

1 comment:

The Baca family said...

I love your family, it's great to see you all so happy...