Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Ladie's Under The Tree

This picture is a painting that my friend Annette painted with water colors. When our kid's started their second year of school at Helmer's there was a new group of mom's with children who had Autism starting the new school year. So, the school had a welcome Tea to invite all the new autism mommy's to hear a presentation, see there new school, and meet some of the old school autism mommy's. After meeting these women they had said they had heard all about us and that we where the ladie's under the tree. Which is funny but true because we all gather around this big tree in front of the school 20 minute's before school get's out. So, Annette was inspired by this and painted this fun, artsy, cartoon like painting of us all under the tree.

In the painting from left to right is suppose to be:
Me, Britney, Annette, Julie, Dena, Monica, and Joshua in the stroller