Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today, Jason and I took Bradley to the doctor for a rash that he has under his right ear. I thought that it might be ring worm but the doctor said it was definately not ring worm and that it was just a sun rash. Bradley appear's to be fine and there are no concern's as far as his health goes on the outside of his body.

As for Jason and I, we are trying our best not to lose it. Bradley's constant screaming is really wearing us down. I'm so sick of not being able to think clearly because I have Bradley tugging on my arm and screaming in my ear. I don't see a light at the end of this very very dark tunnel we live in right now. When does Autism get better or does it just get worse? My heart ache's for my son who is suffering and in so much pain. I have so many question's and unfornately no one can answer them. Why???


Carly Payne said...

Hey Michelle, praying for you guys.

Unknown said...

I was reading this part of your blog this morning and couldn't help tearing up, I want you to know that it may not be said, but, I admire you so much for your strength, you are a wonderful mother, a great friend and an incredible woman!